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To some, “international practice” is a matter of having law offices in many cities of the world. To us, “international practice” means an ability to understand how the law differs from country to country, to appreciate the structure and dynamics of different legal systems and the practical consequences of these differences make for clients, to be willing to make the effort to understand the perspectives and thought processes of clients, co-counsel, and even adversaries who come from different cultures and life experiences.

Situated in the heart of New York City, the unofficial “capital” of the world,” Gambourg Read offers focused and efficient legal counsel and services to citizens of every continent and major culture of the world, helping them to navigate the complex world of U.S. common, statutory and treaty law, U.S. regulatory and judicial processes and the “American mindset” to accomplish business and personal objectives that in one form or another involve both the United States and jurisdictions outside the United States.

More specifically, the type of work and a sampling of our expertise have involved:


Litigation is the largest and one of the best-known practice areas at Gambourg Read. We appear in U.S. state and federal courts and before administrative tribunals, at the trial and appellate levels, in New York, New Jersey and in other states. We also have extensive experience in all types of international and domestic arbitration proceedings and other forms of alternative dispute resolution (ADR). Our attorneys have handled a variety of litigated matters outside the U.S. in conjunction with lawyers and law firms in those countries for U.S.-based clients and litigations in the U.S. for international clients. We advise clients in settlement negotiations to minimize risks, avoid litigation expenses, and provide certainty in the outcome of a dispute.

Intellectual Property, Copyrights & Licensing

Our clients include many of the world’s largest and most prestigious fashion houses and most prominent fashion designers, located both in the United States and in other jurisdictions, as well as many other companies in the fashion arena. We provide a full range of services to these companies, including corporate and business transactions of all kinds, tax planning, trademark and copyright registration and enforcement, counterfeiting and unfair competition. We have been particularly active in trademark and intellectual property licensing ventures, representing US-based companies in their domestic and international licensing activities and also foreign companies in the United States and elsewhere throughout the world, both as licensors and as licensees. We work with traditional single product manufacturing/wholesale licenses concerning the widest variety of product categories, a number of which have involved hundreds of millions of dollars of business. We also work with brand development licenses covering regions such as Asia and the Middle East or individual countries such as Japan, Korea, Australia, South Africa, Canada and Mexico, and on licenses for retail boutiques located on the most fashionable shopping streets throughout the world.

Securities, M&A and Private Placements

Many business people’s first taste of securities law is when they require outside capital -- often from investment banks, venture capitalists or public offerings -- to grow their new or expanding businesses. Attorneys in our Securities & Private Placement practice have worked with many U.S. and non-U.S. businesses at this exciting time in their development, to help them understand both the intricacies of such funding deals and the U.S. federal and state securities laws that govern them in the U.S. market. Our team members have years of experience in private and public securities offerings, stock-based mergers and acquisitions, financings of emerging-growth companies and other corporate finance transactions, as well as securities law compliance counseling of private and public companies, broker/dealers and investment advisors. Further, we can render advice and assistance related to corporate governance practices; periodic reporting (in compliance with SEC, NYSE, NASDAQ and other required public disclosures); proxy solicitations, and broker-dealer and investment advisor regulatory matters.

Tax, Trusts & Estates and Immigration

Attorneys in our Tax, Trusts & Estates and Immigration groups are an efficient and closely-interconnected team of practitioners. They provide legal and tax advice to multinational families with respect to ownership of property located inside and outside the United States. They advise non-U.S. persons acquiring property located in the United States and U.S. people acquiring property outside the United States on the tax, succession law and asset protection consequences of such acquisitions. They also structure U.S. and foreign trusts to achieve maximum asset protection, succession, tax and other benefits. In addition, they provide immigration and tax planning service for foreign individuals moving to the United States, whether they intend to stay for a short time or make the U.S. their permanent home. Our international trust attorneys are recognized throughout the world and work in concert with experts in close to forty countries.

Our firm is a member of 1Law, a global network We are the 1 Law member Worldwide.

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