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Real Estate Sale - Real Estate Purchase - Condominium - Private Residence - Cooperative 


Our attorneys are experienced representing Clients that are buying or selling their home. We will provide you personal and professional representation and guidance. We provide white glove service. Please call and speak to our law firm about the purchase or sale of your home.

If you are buying a house, you will need a real estate attorney to assist you with many issues including the following:

  • What inspections you should obtain before signing a Contract of Sale

  • What terms to include in your Contract of Sale

  • Explaining the terms of the Contract of Sale and negotiating terms that will protect your interests

  • Ordering Title Insurance and analyzing the Title Report when it is issued

  • Assisting with issues while you are obtaining a mortgage

  • What steps to take before the Closing

  • Calculating accurate Closing adjustments and credits for real estate taxes and other credits

  • Personal representation at the real estate Closing

If you are buying a house, our law firm can also assist you with obtaining a land survey, making sure that the house has certificates of occupancies for all structures and improvements from NYC or the local municipality, explaining any encroachments or easements on the property, dealing with oil and propane tanks, if any, and assisting the potential homeowner with any other aspects that arise in the purchase of your new home.

How Can I Prepare Beforehand to Buy Or Sell A Property?

When selling a home, you want to get your house in good condition for the closing. The standard Contract requires the Seller to provide the house in vacant and broom-clean condition and that “All plumbing (including water supply and septic systems, if any), heating and air conditioning, if any, electrical and mechanical systems, equipment and machinery in the building(s) located on the property and all appliances which are included in this sale being in working order as of the date of Closing.

Your real estate purchase may seem confusing and can even seem overwhelming! The process does have many moving parts and stages. However, our experienced attorneys will explain everything and go over your options to make the process as simple and smooth as possible.

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